Author: client

AI — Author Intelligence

After weeks – months? – of shopping for an affordable email sender for my blog posts, I finally landed one, and sent out a post on June 30. That, ladies and gentlemen, was two months ago. Soon afterward, I discovered that at least some of the 3,200 subscribers never saw it because it landed in […]

Book Lottery

How do you escape the extreme summer heat? Let me count the ways. Thirty-nine. That’s the number of books, plus an eReader, you could win by simply entering this sweepstakes contest for FREE! Then, after you win, you head for the beach (don’t forget your sunglasses) to laze in a folding chair under an umbrella […]

Baby, It’s Cold Inside

“Some Like It Hot,” the title of a 1959 comedy film starring Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe (and a revamped 2022 version), should be mailed to the management of every public building in America. On second thought, they probably wouldn’t get the message – considering how dense they are in failing to realize […]

Book It

Mark Twain told the world in 1897 that, according to legend, “Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” Never mind that he really said, “The report of my death was an exaggeration.” The point is clear: He wasn’t dead, and the newspaper report was wrong. A similar phenomenon occurred about 15 years ago, shortly […]


Cell Division

A few days ago, I almost got run over in Walmart by a shopping cart. It’s illegal in Florida now to hold a cellphone while driving a vehicle. The law should include anything on wheels. And anyone walking on public property. I. Do. Not. Get it. What in God’s name does everyone find so damned […]

The Bible and the Toyota

It’s doubtful the people who populate the Bible had any inkling that the automobile would one day replace the donkey on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho, or wherever, but your devious scribe has conjured a way to link the holy book with the modern mode of conveyance. The inspiration came two weeks ago today […]


Pressing the Press

“Blood on Their Hands” by Bob Brink. (Provided by TouchPoint Press) Persistence pays off. Hold that thought while I digress into an observation about a modern phenomenon: Our vocabulary needs to change with the ascent of technology. I didn’t just type that. I tapped it. That’s because I used a computer keyboard, which produced the […]


Bob’s 2018 Christmas Letter

U.S. Capitol BOB’S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS EPISTLE Dear Family, Friends, Citizens, Lend me your ears. Mine have not been serving me all that well lately. And I don’t think wax is the culprit. More like the din emanating from the U.S. Capitol and reverberating throughout the land. Okay, Bob, hold it right there. That’s a contentious […]

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