Author: client

Y’all Come …

In case you’re bored, and want something to do in late happy hour time today — 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m — I will be doing a Zoom presentation with the West Palm Beach public library. I’ll discuss my new book, Blood on Their Hands, and the one just before it, Murder in Palm Beach: […]


Costco, Corona and Chaos

Costco Lantana, Florida   It goes without saying that people are staying home much more during the virus (DV) than before the virus (BV) – acronyms which, when combined, form BVD, which was a type of popular men’s underwear that my dad wore decades ago (and is still made by Fruit of the Loom). Where […]


An Open Letter to Trumpers

President Trump A week ago, I sat down and churned out a letter, stream-of-consciousness fashion, for my friend from Indiana to send to backward acquaintances who have fallen under the spell of the fraud in the White House. He was not putting his name on it, he said, because they are gun-toting fools who have […]


Chance Encounters of the Literary Kind

Tampa Bay   Chance encounters of related people or things in unlikely circumstances often elicit the cliché, “It’s a small world.” These days, we all likely would be better off if it were a larger world, so we wouldn’t be crammed as closely together, and the coronavirus wouldn’t spread as readily. A little more physical […]


A Fascist Merry Christmas

December 23, 2020 Dear Friends and Relatives, These days, I am reminded of a favorite expression by my late brother-in-law: “We’re havin’ some fun now.” I dredge that up with irony dripping off me like foam sliding down a glass of beer poured too fast. How in God’s name did almost half of this country […]


It’s a Blue World

Michael Hartnett   Michael Hartnett is the author of six novels, his latest being Blue Gowanus, which I reviewed below. He holds a doctorate in English, is a high school teacher and adjunct professor at Long Island University, and has been a poetry editor. A trenchant critic of social phenomena, he had this sober, and […]


Calling All Authors …

Rob Eagar, a book marketing expert and author of several nonfiction books, is the first person I’ve come across in the business of public relations to abandon a neutral position on President Donald Trump, excoriating his attempt to destroy our democracy and calling on writers to do likewise. He penned the following essay a few […]


MY HON-EY: A Costco Odyssey

Some 30 years ago, I bought a Hon office chair from Costco, one with a gray, cloth fabric that I could sit on after a sweaty workout without my skin sticking to it. Its tension-control knob allowed me to lean back and put my feet up on my tech-frustration-battered desk for lengthy phone conversations. A […]

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