Author: client


Soaking the Poor

Sen. Elizabeth Warren The bumper of my 2010 Mazda is a stream of stickers dedicated to two people who couldn’t be more different: Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren. On either end of the bumper is the same sticker: A pumpkin carved to look like Trump with the adjacent message, “Trumpkin: Orange on the outside, hollow […]


Hasta la Costa Rica, Baby!

San Jose, Costa Rica “These vagabond shoes, they’re longing to stay.” That wasn’t a typo. If I keep having the kind of experiences like the one I just had in a trip to Costa Rica for dental work, my rendition of New York, New York will alter a lyric. Allow me to digress. Ten years […]


Uncanny Easter Parade

David Fitzgerald While deleting a huge backlog of emails to avoid paying a Google fee on this Easter weekend, I ran across an internet interview posing the question of whether Jesus Christ ever existed. It was written by noted atheist David Fitzgerald. I was interested not just due to the uncanny timing, but because I […]


Easy Writer

After I posted an article about the coincidental ways in which several ostensibly disparate elements came together on the Easter weekend, a couple of people told me they couldn’t open the link to my easy guide for reviewing my book Blood on Their Hands. That’s because the link — really just a Word file address […]

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Hello again, y’all. I seem to be hopping around on this newsletter like the Easter bunny, who always gets energized this time of year. Except he’s (she’s?) – hesh has already done hiser thing, and I’m still fired up, like a whirling dervish. I wanted to let everyone know that my roman à clef Murder […]


Free Books!

Hello y’all out there in reader land. ‘Fraid I’ve been remiss in letting you know about this great opportunity to win so many free mysteries and thrillers, plus a new eReader, one of those devices that lets you read just about any book you want to at a real low price. All you have to […]


A Second Chance

If you’re a procrastinator like me, you often miss out on great opportunities. So you may have delayed entering a contest to win 45+ books and possibly an eReader, and thought you were too late because it expired today, Wednesday, May 5. If so, you’ve been granted a reprieve. The contest sponsor, BookSweeps, has extended […]



E.M. Forster On my trip in March to Costa Rica for dental implants, I found a book, E.M. Forster’s A Room With a View, left in a drawer where I lodged, and began reading. It was tattered, the back cover almost severed, and I took it home to finish it. Okay, so I’m a thief. […]


Fascism — Fast Forward

Judge Martha Warner On the heels of the awarding of the Pulitzer Prize to the teenager who videotaped the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, courts in Florida have sided with police who arrested a woman for recording them on her cellphone as they detained her teenage son. The incident happened in 2009, and […]

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