For the first second time in probably 37 years, I stepped into the Riviera Beach Library on Thursday evening – and remembered it like it was yesterday. That’s because I’d been there several times before. My then-wife, Lynn, was the head librarian. I recalled the entire layout, which she’d worked with the architect from Washington, D.C., on shaping. The previous library was a cracker-box affair on E Street, and its attractive replacement still looks fresh and inviting.
I was there for what was billed as a Local Author Showcase, which included Lynn Whitfield and Ann-Marie Broomfield.
Things didn’t look hopeful at first. I think I saw one person among the rows of chairs facing the
podium. But then one or two more sauntered in. Senior Librarian Elizabeth Barwick introduced me first, since I was sitting nearest the podium. I spoke for a few minutes about my novel MURDER IN PALM BEACH: The Homicide That Never Died, then read a couple of pages. In the intervals when I looked up, I saw more people had arrived, and by the time I was finished, at least a dozen people had quietly entered the room through the door to our left.
Library directors and bookstore operators have told me that audiences for author appearances have declined in the last decade or so. Indeed, attendance at some where I’ve appeared has been meager. Not only was this audience larger than many, but it was obvious on their faces that they were listening with much interest.
Following me were Ms. Broomfield, then Ms. Whitfield, both of whom related moving stories of pain and adversity throughout their lives, and how their unflagging faith in God empowered them to prevail through it all. In fact, Ms. Broomfield, originally from Jamaica, kept her nose to the grindstone and became a registered nurse. Her book is UNLOCK YOUR HEALING BODY, SOUL & SPIRIT: A 21-Day Devotional Encounter From the Heart of a Nurse.

Ms. Whitfield delivered an inspired account of how she overcame the
unhappy experience of growing up as an orphan to make her way through college and earn a law degree. She depicts her experiences and reflections on life in THE PARTY ISN’T OVER UNTIL GOD SAYS SO.
When Ms. Barwick said the showcase was over, the three of us repaired to the main second-floor room, where a number of the attendees came to the tables set up for each of us to hear more about our books. They didn’t stop there: They bought them – even loaning this ill-prepared dolt their ballpoint pens so I could sign the books.
I really can’t say enough about the library staff, my companion authors, and the wonderful people who attended.