
How do you escape the extreme summer heat? Let me count the ways. Thirty-nine.

That’s the number of books, plus an eReader, you could win by simply entering this sweepstakes contest for FREE! Then, after you win, you head for the beach (don’t forget your sunglasses) to laze in a folding chair under an umbrella as the soothing breezes from the ocean or the lake waft over your receptive body.

Ah, but you may not like the crowds on the beaches, and would prefer to curl up on the couch or a rocking chair in your air-conditioned abode. Letting your mind and emotions rise up against the quotidian events that have you in a funk, you retreat into a world of excitement, adventure, intrigue, mesmerizing plots, thrills, and sometimes a bit of sweet romance.

But what if you don’t win? What a bummer. In that case, you just go to brinkwriter dot com for a signed copy of Blood on Their Hands by yours truly, Bob Brink, or to Amazon for the same paperback or a digital copy.

Have at it. You have nothing to lose. Remember, it’s FREE! And, by the way, easy. There’s nothing to it but to do it.


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