Hello again, y’all. I seem to be hopping around on this newsletter like the Easter bunny, who always gets energized this time of year. Except he’s (she’s?) – hesh has already done hiser thing, and I’m still fired up, like a whirling dervish.
I wanted to let everyone know that my roman à clef Murder in Palm Beach: The Homicide That Never Died, a mystery based on a real crime, will be FREE in the Kindle version on Amazon during this entire, three-day weekend, Friday through Sunday, April 9-11.
To access it, click on this link: http://tinyurl.com/he5g5sm . On the tab where it regularly says $3.99 to buy, it will say $0.00. Click on that, and you will be able to download the book for free.
After you read it, and if you liked it, the author, yours truly, would much appreciate a brief review on Amazon. I just put out a guide on how to easily write a review of my novel Blood on Their Hands, and the same guide applies to Murder in Palm Beach. Here it is, with only the name changed to protect the – I don’t know, the book, I guess.
An Easy Guide to Reviewing Murder in Palm Beach: The Homicide That Never Died
Authors depend on readers to review their books, so others will know whether to buy them. It takes only a few minutes, and is easy to do. Just three or four sentences are enough, although you certainly can go longer if you choose.

Easter bunny
Here are some points to consider in evaluating the book:
Did you like the book? Why or why not?
What did you like the most about it?
What did you like the least?
Was it engrossing, enthralling, compelling (choose the word)? Was it entertaining? Did it hold your interest?
Was it suspenseful?
Murder in Palm Beach is a mystery based on a real murder. Did the plot keep you guessing, or were the things that happened predictable?
The characters are an important part of a novel. Did the characters seem real, or couldn’t you picture them?
How about the dialogue? Did the speech of the characters seem true to life, or did the talking seem unreal?
What about the quality of the writing? Was it easy to understand, or were the sentences and phrases badly constructed, making the message unclear?
How about the ending? Did you find it satisfying, or were you disappointed?
Do you recommend the book?

Whirling dervish
You may want to write something about all of these points, or maybe just a few. Choose whatever you’re comfortable with and have the time for. And don’t feel limited by these suggestions; it’s your review, and you may want to ignore them and just write what you think and feel. Also, don’t worry about grammar, etc. One more thing: If you received a free copy of the book, Amazon requires you to say so (I received a complimentary copy for review.).
After you’re done writing the review, copy and paste it on the book’s page on Amazon. Just Google Amazon, type the book’s title and my author name, Bob Brink, in the little horizontal window that says All. Click on the book cover. Click on 151 ratings (or whatever the number). Scroll down to where, on the left, it says: Review this product. Don’t forget to give the book a star rating – from 1 to 5. A 5-star rating doesn’t have to mean the book is perfect; it simply means that you liked it.
For a review title, write your overall opinion in 10 words or less. You might want to check some of the reviews already there for ideas. You can give your name, or remain anonymous with a handle such as Book Lover, or Rabid Reader – whatever you want.
Thanks a million!!! Wait – in today’s world, make that a billion. Trillion?