A belated notice that the Kindle version of my novel MURDER IN PALM BEACH: The Homicide That Never Died is available for FREE very shortly on Amazon.com, all day Monday, Oct. 12. In fact, by the time I get through posting this, it probably will already be FREE. You can download it on your Kindle or your Kindle app. The link to the book is amzn.com/B00QU3XIDM.
It’s based on the 1976 murder of a prominent Palm Beach man. In the guise of fiction, the book contains information never made public about the identity of the murderer, and even more important, the man of great national importance connected with the deed.
Enjoy the book, and when you’re finished, feel free (I think I used that word before) to post a review on Amazon.com. It can be short, long or in between, whatever the spirit moves you to write.
Thank you, dear readers.
Oh, by the way, if you want the paperback version, I’ll mail you an autographed copy. Just go to www.bobbrinkwriter.com. You’ll see the link and the price.