General Mills headquarters near Minneapolis
The newspaper headline read: GENERAL MILLS TACKLES GAS EMISSIONS.
Hmmm, I thought, the company is looking for a way to make Cheerios easier on your plumbing. Then I looked at the story. The company wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hmmm, I thought again, I didn’t know Cheerios had any effect on climate change.
Gases be gone!
It doesn’t, I learned on further reading. At least not directly. General Mills plans to invest more than $100 million in energy efficiency and clean energy at its own facilities across the world. The maker of breakfast cereals and other food products also will partner with its food suppliers in effecting more ecologically sound agricultural practices. Particularly commendable is the news that an additional 250,000 acres will be devoted to organic production by 2020.
That revelation comes on the heels of General Mills’ announcement that it was removing artificial colors and flavors from its cereals.

General Mills CEO Ken Powell
Company CEO Ken Powell told The Associated Press at company headquarters outside Minneapolis, “We think that human-caused greenhouse gas causes climate change and climate volatility and that’s going to stress the agricultural supply chain, which is very important to us.”
All aboard the green train
Who knows how effective the efforts will be, though? Powell estimated that 92 percent of greenhouse gases associated with General Mills’ agricultural supply chain derive from entities beyond its control, so success apparently will depend on its ability to bring them aboard. General Mills is one of the world’s largest food companies, with Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Progresso soups, Green Giant vegetables, and others included under its umbrella.

Unilever headquarters, London
Powell said, however, that the company, because of its size, can exert pressure on its suppliers, and he hopes other companies will follow General Mills’ lead.
Other major global food companies – including Unilever, Mars and Nestle – also have set targets for greenhouse gas reduction in their operations, AP said. But unlike them, General Mills’ efforts are encompassing its entire supply chain, the news organization said, quoting Eric Olson, senior vice president with Business for Social Responsibility, which assisted the company with its plan.

Mars products
So a movement seems to be afoot to diminish the carbon imprint, and companies that grow green stuff are among those leading the way. Isn’t that a gas?!