Hillary Clinton
The House Benghazi Committee grilled Hillary Clinton for 11 hours, minus two breaks, today with the intention, as the late departed candidate for House majority leader, Kevin McCarthy, openly admitted, of trashing her candidacy for president of the United States. The committee handed Clinton a gift, markedly improving her chances of becoming president. In short, their attempt backfired.

U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy
Keeping her cool
Despite endless questions into the most finite details of her actions after the terrorist attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, Clinton maintained unswerving calm and parried the badgering with uncanny nimbleness. It proved that her performance in the recent Democratic presidential debate was no fluke.
Malevolence on view

U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan

U.S. Rep. Martha Roby

U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo
On the other hand, her Republican opponents provided a transparent view of their purpose in conducting this shameless attack on Clinton after failing to damage her in a February hearing held following a concussion she’d suffered in an accident. It was patently obvious to anyone without a hermetically sealed mind that their real goal was to harm her candidacy. Particularly apparent were the inquisitions by Reps. Martha Roby of Alabama, Mike Pompeo of Kansas, and Jim Jordan of Ohio.
The Republican bumblers keep showing the nation, with ever more clarity, their true colors.